Return goods are often still in good condition. These deserve a second chance. After going through the return buying process, we give them a second chance together with you. By giving as many returns as possible a second chance, we want to prevent product waste. was founded by Yarno. In two years, the team has grown to 9 people. Sustainability is paramount here. Regularly, online stores stumble over the problems of returns. Often products come back with:
These products remain lying around, even if they are like new. In fact, many such products disappear into the dumpster. Returns often can no longer be made profitable, or companies do not want to lose a name.
Returning goods is very harmful to the environment. This is because the goods are often sent back and forth. With Return Purchase, we want to give these products a second chance, without placing any additional burden on the environment. We bring the products in a sustainable way in the best possible condition. The unavoidable CO2 released by our business process is compensated by us ('Trees for all' Certificate). With Return Purchase, we can prevent additional production in the long run. Products that really can no longer be saved are recycled as sustainably as possible.
Mission: We want to fight product waste by giving return goods a second chance.
Vision: To reduce waste and thereby ensure a more sustainable world.
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