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Robotic vacuum cleaners

If you are looking for a household helper to take over vacuuming for you, then buy a robot vacuum cleaner. When you are looking for a robot vacuum cleaner, you have a number of choices. At the bottom of this page we have more information to help you make your choice.
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Now from 179,99 -28%

Triactive+ LED makes dust visible for thorough cleaning The most powerful Philips bagged vacuum cleaner Enjoy impeccably clean floors with the Philips Performer LED 8000 series with bag. Our TriActive+ LED nozzle with advanced technology for floor illumination makes fine dust visible, and the powerful 900W motor removes it quickly. 900 W motor for high suction power 99.9% dust pickup** HEPA filter and ECARF certified Long range of 12 meters Made in the EU and durable TriActive+ LED nozzle AirflowMax technology Durable s-bags of 4 liters Energy management Integrated brush and upholstery nozzle

Now from 179,99 -28%

Now from 179,99 -28%


Now from 249,00 -38%

Neato Botvac D703 Connected Comes with 3 filters, eco & turbo mode, manual remote control, additional capabilities via the app such as adding via Virtual No-Go lines The Neato Botvac D703 Connected robotic vacuum cleaner cleans large spaces in a powerful, effective and reliable way. Moreover, it vacuums easily under your furniture or radiators. Maps your space Did you know that the Neato Botvac D703 Connected scans your space before it starts vacuuming? Specifically, it first maps your space and then creates S-shapes from one wall to the other to make sure all dust is picked up. vacuum and works quickly that way. Handy app Through the Neato app and wifi, this Neato robot vacuum can be controlled anytime, anywhere control. Among other things, you can create schedules, start the robot remotely and have it vacuum the whole house, or just clean locally. Two cleaning modes Eco mode for quieter and longer cleaning, and Turbo mode for extra thorough cleaning. Easy filter replacement The Neato Botvac D703 Connected robot vacuum comes with 3 ultra-performance filters that are easy to replace. Battery charging The D703 Connected automatically returns to its charging station when its battery is flat.

Now from 249,00 -38%

Now from 249,00 -38%

Zoef Robot

Now from 459,00 -32%

ZOEF ROBOT - HÉT NEDERLANDSE ROBOT MERK - ROBOT MAAIER TEUN TOT 300M2 Een prachtig gemaaid gazon? Onze robotmaaier Teun maakt jouw gazon tot 300m2 weer helemaal strak hoe jij het wilt. Stel op het display van de maaier onder andere in op welke tijden de maaier aan de slag moet, zodat de robot zelfs als jij niet thuis bent het gras maait. Teun kan gazons tot 300m2 maaien. Op zoek naar robotmaaiers die een grotere oppervlakte aankunnen, bekijk dan onze andere robot grasmaaiers. De maaier keert automatisch terug naar zijn oplaadstation als hij bijna leeg is of wanneer jij het aangeeft. Je kunt deze robot alleen op het display van de maaier zelf bedienen. Op zoek naar een maaier met App? bekijk dan eens robotmaaier Katrien. Stel meerdere zones in, zodat de robot alle grasvelden rond om je huis heen kunt maaien. Deze maaier met een mooi ontworpen design neemt je de tijdrovende klus uit handen en zorgt voor een strakke grasmat. BEDIEN DE ROBOT MAAIER GEMAKKELIJK OP HET DISPLAY. Robot maaier Teun is gemakkelijk te bedienen op het display van de maaier. Je kunt elke dag een ander maaischema inplannen. Hiermee kunt u bijvoorbeeld in het voor- en najaar de maaicyclus precies afstemmen op de groeisnelheid van het gras. De robot zal automatisch opladen, waardoor hij altijd klaar staat voor zijn volgende maaibeurt. Wanneer hij klaar is met het maaien van het gazon of wanneer hij leeg is, zal hij terug keren naar het geplaatste grenskabel en dan zal hij over de grenskabel terug naar zijn oplaadstation rijden. De robot kan ook op aangeven van jou terug keren naar het oplaadstation. SNEL EN MAKKELIJK SCHOON. De robot grasmaaier is heel eenvoudig schoon te maken. Doordat de maaier waterdicht is, kun je hem gewoon met de tuinslang schoonmaken. Het is goed dat u regelmatig de robot even schoonmaakt, zodat het gras en eventuele andere objecten van de robot verwijderd worden. ALTIJD EEN HELE STRAKKE GRASMAT. Robot grasmaaier Teun is uitgerust met een speciaal maaidek welke er voor zorgt dat deze het veld mooi glad maait en minder last heeft van oneffenheden tijdens het maaien. Deze speciaal ontworpen maaidek zweeft als het ware over het grasveld als een floating deck. Bij dit maaidek kun je de hoogte instellen van 2-6 cm. Hierdoor kun je zelf bepalen hoe hoog of laag het gras gemaaid moet worden. Het maaidek heeft een maaibreedte van maar liefst 18cm. Dit zorgt ervoor dat de robot in een grote breedte maait en hij dus minder lang erover doet om het hele gazon te maaien. Maak het maaidek eenvoudig schoon met een tuinslang, zodat het gras of andere objecten niet onder het maaidek vast blijven zitten. De robot kan ook op hellingen rijden tot 24˚/45%. Dit zorgt ervoor dat als jij hellingen in jouw tuin hebt, of stukken met hoogteverschillen, dit geen probleem is voor de robotmaaier als het binnen de hoogte blijft dat het aankan. Door zijn zwevende maaidek, zal de robot het gras op deze hellingen goed op de zelfde hoogte blijven maaien. VERSCHILLENDE VELDEN? GEEN PROBLEEM Het is mogelijk om met deze robotmaaier verschillende zones/velden te maaien. Dit is erg handig als je verschillende stukken grasvelden rondom je huis hebt. Zolang de ruimte er voor de maaier is om naar de stukken toe te kunnen rijden, kunnen al die velden gemaaid worden. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld op de robot bepaalde functies aangeven, zoals waar de robotmaaier het veld in moet gaan. Zorg ervoor dat de doorrij breedte naar een ander gazon minimaal 0,8 meter breed is. Anders zal de robot moeite hebben om naar het andere gazon te komen. Met de zone indeling kun je aangeven waar op de grenskabel hij het veld in moet gaan. Hierbij kun je aangeven na hoeveel meter hij het veld in moet rijden en hoeveel procent van de totale ingestelde maaitijd de robot in dit gedeelte moet blijven maaien. De robot kan over een pad rijden mits deze op gelijke hoogte is als het gras en verhard is (geen grind e.d.) FUNCTIES ROBOTMAAIER TEUN * Het zwevende maaidek zorgt voor een gelijkmatige afsnijden van het gras, wat resulteert in een prachtige, vlakke grasmat die de blikvanger van je tuin wordt. * Voor volledige controle van het grasonderhoud kun je een flexibel maaischema instellen op de maaier zelf. * Moeiteloos Teun schoonmaken kan doordat de maaier te reinigen is met een tuinslang. * Dankzij geavanceerde sensoren herkent de robotmaaier automatisch smalle stroken, zodat geen enkel stukje gras wordt overgeslagen. De minimale doorgang moet daarbij moet groter zijn dan 80cm. * Teun gaat automatisch terug naar het oplaadstation als het regent of wanneer de accu bijna leeg is. Teun is hierdoor altijd klaar voor de volgende maaibeurt. * Met een hellingshoek van 24°/45% is Teun ideaal voor het maaien op schuine grasmatten. * Beveiligd met een pincode en uitgerust met bots- en til- en kantelsensoren, biedt de Katrien maximale veiligheid tijdens het maaien. INSTALLATIE ROBOTMAAIER TEUN De robotmaaiers zijn eenvoudig te installeren met behulp van de installatie-handleiding. Deze kunt u vinden in de handleiding van Teun en Katrien. U heeft voor de installatie de meegeleverde accessoires nodig, zoals de grenskabel en de grenskabelpennen. Deze kunt u bij een te kort of te weinig meter grenskabel ook nog los bijbestellen. Zorg dat als u de kabel aanlegt, deze 1 meter vanaf het oplaadstation recht moet lopen, zodat die goed op het oplaadstation kan rijden. Hou er ook rekening mee dat er 30cm vrij tussen de grenskabel en een rand moet zitten, als hij niet over deze rand heen kan rijden. Als er een rand is waar hij wel overheen kan rijden, hoeft dit maar 8cm te zijn. Plaats het oplaadstation op een vlakke ondergrond en zonder obstakels eromheen, zodat de maaier het oplaadstation altijd goed en gemakkelijk kan vinden. Het is namelijk belangrijk dat de maaier het oplaadstation altijd goed op kan en de grenskabel naar het oplaadstation goed kan volgen, zodat hij hier op kan laden wanneer dat nodig is. Inhoud: In de doos vind je alles voor een vlotte installatie en gebruik: • Robotmaaier Teun • Oplaadstation met pennen • Netwerkadapter • Grenskabel (100m) • Grenskabelpennen (130) • Messen met schroeven (9x) • Handleiding NL DE EN FR

Now from 459,00 -32%

Now from 459,00 -32%

Zoef Robot

Now from 319,00 -25%

Easy clean with the most advanced home robot vacuum cleaner. Our high-end robotic vacuum cleaner 'William' is the top robotic vacuum cleaner of the moment! Thanks to the automatic dirt disposal, the robot empties itself automatically after each cleaning and thanks to the smart laser and app, you can navigate the robot like never before! This way, you won't have to empty the robot's dust bin yourself and you won't have to worry about the robot and your home will stay nice and clean without a hassle. Automatic dirt disposal unit The robot vacuum comes standard with an automatic emptying system and mopping system. Willem empties itself automatically after each cleaning and the dust and dirt is collected in the dust bag of the dirt disposal unit, which also serves as a charging station. The sealed dust bags trap 99% of all pollen and mold. Changing the dust bag is easy thanks to the easy-pull system that seals the dust bag immediately upon removal. Installing a new dust bag is child's play. Laser and smart navigation Thanks to the Lidar® sensor, Willem creates a map of the area when a new cleaning is started. He uses this map for efficient cleaning and by storing it will make cleaning each room or the whole house easy to schedule. The robot is self-learning so new obstacles are no problem Thus, you get a floor plan of your house and can customize it as you wish in the Zoef Robot Smart App. Detailed map of all rooms in the house. Easily customize your own map by splitting and labeling it. Set cleaning schedule for certain rooms on certain days at certain times cleans or all at once. Can be used on multiple floors by storing multiple maps. Set up prohibited areas or walls in the app. Real-time tracking in the app. So you know exactly where your Willem is and what route he has taken while you are shopping or at work. Mopping system Willem comes standard with a free mopping system. You simply replace it with the standard dust bin. You fill the mopping system with warm water and a dash of all-purpose cleaner or cleaning vinegar. The robot automatically detects the mopping system and will start vacuuming and mopping at the same time. Do you also have rugs or doormats in your home? Via the app with smart navigation, you can easily indicate areas where the robot may not vacuum or mop. Right down to a few centimeters! Thorough cleaning, even the corners Thanks to the two side brushes and advanced sensors, Willem does not skip an inch. He finds his way tightly along baseboards and approaches 45 degree corners to the last 1.5 to 2cm accurately. Willem can be set in different suction modes, from ultra quiet to maximum. With a maximum suction of 4500Pa, Willem is the strongest robot vacuum on the market. In addition, you can distinguish between carpeted and non-carpeted areas. Using the smart navigation you can assign different suction power to certain areas, for example where there is carpet where a higher suction power may be required. Willem is suitable for carpet up to about 1.5 centimeters. Is your carpet higher than that? If so, we recommend marking the carpet as "off limits" in the app. Childishly simple Would you rather not control Willem with the Zoef Robot Smart App? Because ease of use for all audiences is a big priority with us, robot vacuum cleaner Willem can also be controlled thanks to the included remote control, or with a single button press on the device itself. The robot will start cleaning the entire room and automatically return to the charging station. Also, it can also be set to your preferred time via the remote control. What's in the box: 1 Zoef Robot 'William' robot vacuum cleaner 1 Charging station with automatic dirt removal 1 Free mopping system 1 Extra HEPA filter 1 Zoef Robot maintenance tool 1 Manual 1 Remote control 2 Mopping cloths 2 Extra side brushes 3 Dust bags for the charging station

Now from 319,00 -25%

Now from 319,00 -25%


Now from 239,99 -40%

Are you bothered by dog or cat hair? With the Eziclean® X850 Aquaconnect Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with mopping function, you don't have to worry about this anymore. Have your floor vacuumed and mopped at the same time. This ensures optimal deep cleaning of your home. The navigation technology maps your interior, allowing you to track in real time which areas have already been cleaned. Control the robot vacuum cleaner via voice control, so you don't even have to stop your activities.

Now from 239,99 -40%

Now from 239,99 -40%


Now from 169,99 -39%

✓ The Eziclean Aqua Connect x550: Enjoy more free time with automatic vacuuming and mopping Are you tired of having to clean your floors all the time? With the Eziclean Aqua Connect x550 robotic vacuum cleaner, cleaning becomes one less worry. This advanced robot vacuum with mopping function uses the latest technology to clean your home efficiently and independently, leaving you more time for the things that really matter. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Benefits of the Eziclean Aqua Connect x550 Vacuuming and Mopping: Enjoy a spotlessly clean home with the 2-in-1 feature. Whisper Quiet: With a noise level of only 55 dB, the x550 does not disturb your daily activities. Long Battery Life: With a 2000 mAh battery, the x550 lasts up to 2 hours on a single charge. Smart Navigation: The innovative Navig+ technology ensures thorough cleaning of any room. App Control: The Eziclean app offers complete control and convenience. Powerful Suction Performance: Strong suction power for efficient cleaning of dirt and pet hair. Especially for Pets: Ideal for homes with pets thanks to powerful suction. Corner™ Technology: Cleans even the hard-to-reach corners. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Advanced Navig+ Technology The Eziclean Aqua Connect x550 is equipped with advanced Navig+ technology. This technology creates an accurate map of your living space and provides a systematic cleaning route. This allows the robot to clean more efficiently and save time. Corner™ Technology for Every Corner The intelligent Corner™ Technology ensures that the robot vacuum does not skip even the hard-to-reach corners. This ensures thorough cleaning of your entire home, without dead corners. Smart Obstacle Detection and Fall Prevention Thanks to its smart sensors, the x550 effortlessly detects obstacles and stairs. It prevents collisions and falls, improving the safety and durability of the device. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Adaptability to Floor Types The robot vacuum automatically adapts to different floor types. Whether you have carpet, tile or wood floors, the x550 ensures optimal cleaning. Streamlined Mopping Function The integrated water tank and controlled water flow make the mopping function work effectively. Your floors are not only cleaned, but also mopped streak-free. Durable Battery for Larger Surfaces With a battery that lasts up to 120 minutes, the x550 can handle larger areas without recharging in between. This makes it an ideal choice for both small apartments and larger homes. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ User-Friendly App Control With the Eziclean app, you can control the robot vacuum with ease. Set schedules, adjust settings and monitor cleaning progress wherever you are. Quiet Cleaning Experience The x550 operates very quietly with a noise level of only 55 dB. This allows you to work or relax at home undisturbed while the robot vacuum does its job. Reliable everyday help The x550 is designed to make your life easier, with features such as automatic charging and the ability to clean under furniture. A true ally in your daily life! Invest in convenience and a spotlessly clean home with the Eziclean Aqua Connect x550. Discover today how easy and efficient cleaning can be! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Specifications Weight: 2.8 kg Dimensions: 33 x 7.6 cm (diameter x height) Noise level: 55 dB Suitable for rooms: 120m² Cleaning modes: Vacuuming and Mopping Battery: 2000 mAh Suction power: 4000 Pa Dust bin capacity: 0.6 L Water tank: 0.3 L Package Includes: 1x Eziclean x550 Aqua Connect Robot Vacuum Cleaner 1x Main Brush 2x Side Brushes 1x Water Tank 1x Dust Bin 2x Mop Cloths 1x Remote Control 1x Cleaning Brush 1x Charging Station 1x Power Cord 1x HEPA 13 Filter 1x Manual 100% Satisfaction Guarantee We fully stand behind the quality of our products and offer you an unconditional 24-month warranty. Not satisfied with your purchase? We will gladly look for an appropriate solution together. Is the robot vacuum cleaner, for whatever reason, not suitable for you? Then return it completely free of charge.

Now from 169,99 -39%

Now from 169,99 -39%

Zoef Robot

Now from 179,95 -31%

ZOEF ROBOT - THE DUTCH ROBOT BRAND - Bep 4.0 ensures a clean and dust-free house Our robot vacuum cleaner Bep 4.0 is a successor to our previous Bep. This robot vacuum cleaner easily takes the time-consuming job out of your hands. Do you have pets and are you looking for a robot that can easily vacuum vacuum? Then Bep 4.0 is the right robot vacuum for you! Simply use the App to set when the robot should clean, where the robot should clean and much much more! EASY TO CONTROL WITH THE APP The new robot vacuum cleaner Bep 4.0 is easy to control with the Zoef Robot Smart APP. Through the APP you can set when Bep 4.0 should start. It is completely adjustable in the way you like it. You can let Bep Bep any time you want. You can also set a different time for each day if that is more convenient. Finally there is also a function to notifications when Bep 4.0 starts and when Bep 4.0 finishes so you can keep track of this properly. This way you always come home in a nice clean home. CLEAN FLOORS WITH ROBOTIC VACUUM CLEANER BEP 4.0! Looking for a robotic pet vacuum cleaner that makes your home much easier clean? Robotic vacuum cleaner Bep 4.0 sweeps through the house and makes your floor wonderfully clean again. You can have Bep 4.0 vacuum every day every day without you having to be home. This is ideal for people who don't have time to vacuum or just don't enjoy to do it, but do love a clean floor. Go to work or enjoy your free time while Bep 4.0 vacuums your floor. ROBOTIC VACUUM CLEANER FOR PET HAIR Bep 4.0 is Zoef's robot vacuum cleaner designed specifically for pet hair. Every pet owner knows the frustration of the hairs that are lying all over the house again and again, even though you just vacuumed. Bep 4.0 has an extra powerful motor that easily sucks up hairs. Also, Bep does not have a main brush at the bottom like our other robot vacuum cleaners. Normally pet hairs always stick to this main brush. tangle. This way, Bep can continue to vacuum the floor despite all the pet hairs. vacuuming. So for the pet owner, Bep is the ideal robot vacuum cleaner! Zoef specializes in robot vacuum cleaners and stands for excellent quality. With Bep 4.0 you therefore get one of the best robot vacuum cleaners for a good price. Bep 4.0 is very easy to operate with a remote control, is quiet and can easily get under low furniture. For anyone who does not want to vacuum themselves, Bep 4.0 is the ideal robot vacuum cleaner! FEATURES BEP 4.0: Bep 4.0 is a special robot vacuum cleaner with many useful features. Thus Bep 4.0 can be easily programmed to start automatically at the ideal time. work. She then also starts charging automatically when needed. Some other convenient features are: - Bep includes convenient sensors to prevent the vacuum cleaner, walls or furniture from damaging. For example, there is an anti-collision sensor to prevent her from bumping into furniture collisions and an anti-fall sensor to prevent Bep from falling down stairs. - Bep recognizes heights and can adjust the wheel height to deal with uneven surfaces such as rugs. - Bep 4.0 features an advanced LIDAR scan of the room, which allows the robot navigate efficiently. - Bep 4.0 makes setting up schedules easy. - Bep 4.0 introduces virtual walls and no-go zones. - Bep 4.0 has in-depth sweeping methods and delivers powerful suction performance. - Bep 4.0 is particularly suitable for removing pet hair. PARTS OF ROBOT VACUUM CLEANER BEP 4.0 Robotic vacuum cleaner Bep has side brushes that ensure that your floor beautifully clean. The side brushes ensure that the robot vacuum cleaner can clean in all corners of the room and near the baseboards to clean properly. The vacuum features a coarse filter and a HEPA filter that filters the air for a pleasant living environment. In order to enjoy robot vacuum cleaner Bep enjoy as long as possible, we recommend replacing the HEPA filter every 2 months. It is also best to replace the side brushes once every six months. . The dirt picked up by the vacuum cleaner is stored in a dust container with a capacity of 210 ml. When this dust container is full, it can easily be emptied. CONTENTS BEP 4.0: - Robot vacuum cleaner Bep 4.0. - Charging station. - Remote control. - Dust bin with handle. - Side brushes 1x. - Hair cleaning set. - Mains adapter. - Manual Dutch, English, German and French. - App manual

Now from 179,95 -31%

Now from 179,95 -31%


Now from 119,95 -29%

Discover the versatile Fysk HR101 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Mopping Function. Meet your ultimate cleaning partner: the Fysk HR101 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Mopping Function. This smart robot vacuum offers a seamless combination of efficiency and ease of use, ideal for any household. Thanks to its convenient charging station, the HR101 is always ready for action. With integrated Alexa functionality, you easily control the robot vacuum cleaner via voice commands. Specially designed to remove pet hair, the Fysk HR101 ensures that your floors are always kept clean and hair-free.

Now from 119,95 -29%

Now from 119,95 -29%


Now from 149,00 -57%

Features an array of cleaning features and sensors that allow the robot to adapt to your unique home and keep it clean daily. Ideal when you have pets. 3-step cleaning system Enjoy comprehensive cleaning thanks to dual (rubber) brushes for all floor types and a powerful suction system with 5x higher suction power*, so that dirt, dust particles and pet hair are removed wherever it is is. The brush for edges and corners takes care of all forgotten corners. *compared to a Roomba® 600 series cleaning system Robots that plan ahead Learns from your cleaning habits and suggests schedules that meet your needs. your needs. You also get recommendations for activities that benefit you and you might not even think of, such as extra cleaning during periods when allergies are on the rise and more. Works with your voice assistant Thanks to compatibility with voice assistant via Google Assistant and devices with Alexa, the e-Series cleans your home based on the sound of your voice. A smart robot can handle furniture Thanks to its wide range of advanced sensors, the e-Series can navigate under and around furniture and along edges. Ground detection prevents the robot from from falling down stairs. After the cleaning task, it automatically returns to the charging station. Detects and eliminates dirt DirtDetect™ sensors alert your robot about dirtier areas of your home, such as high traffic areas, for more thorough cleaning. The self-adjusting cleaning head automatically adjusts its height to clean carpets and hard floors effectively. The two brushes stay in contact with the floor. The unique double (rubber) brushes for all floor types work together to clean floors thoroughly. One brush loosens dirt and the other rotates in opposite directions to work it inward. Roomba sucks up what you see and filters what you don't The highly efficient filter is made of a special material that removes 99% of all mold, pollen and dust mites. Reliability backed by service, that's the promise of iRobot We make robots that last, that are designed for you and built on reliability, with customer service that is always there for you. When you need help, our expert customer service representatives are available by phone or email to quickly get your robot back to cleaning back to cleaning. The Roomba e5 comes standard with: * 1 Roomba® e5152 * 1 Home Base® charging cradle * 1 Power cord * 1 Dual Mode Virtual Wall® (2 AA batteries included) * 1 Extra filter * Manual Over 30 years of expertise and continuous innovation in robotics iRobot offers over 30 years of expertise and innovation in robotics and has sold more than 30 million household robots worldwide. Whether you choose a Roomba, Braava or both robots, your floors will get the special care they need.

Now from 149,00 -57%

Now from 149,00 -57%


Now from 129,00 -41%

Tired of endless vacuuming? Finally you don't have to do anything.... Remember that time you came home from a long day at work, realizing that your house is a mess thanks to your pet friend and daily dirt? That frustration of constantly having to keep your house clean when you just want to relax after a long day at work. We understand that feeling. Say hello to Deemer. Made to make your living environment cleaner, more comfortable and dust-free. Why do customers choose the Deemer Robotic Vacuum Cleaner? ✓ Mopping function ✓ Made for pet owners ✓ Smart sensors ✓ Strong battery for long thorough cleaning ✓ Quiet in operation ✓ Smart cleaning navigation ✓ Automatic return to charging station ✓ Easy setup via app ✓ Pre-programmed cleaning routes Busy life? With our robot vacuum cleaner, you can finally enjoy that well-deserved "me-time" after a long day at work. Turn it on via the app and leave the rest to us. Pet hair everywhere? Thanks to the powerful suction function, say goodbye to stray dog hair. Your fluffy friends can keep playing without you having to worry about the mess. In need of peace and quiet? Whisper-quiet technology ensures silent cleaning. Even the lightest sleepers won't be disturbed. Afraid of falls or collisions? With our advanced sensors and ground detection, your robot is safe and your valuables are protected. Spick and span Switch to mop mode and watch your floors light up as if they've just been laid. Deemer 3-in-1 This robot vacuum cleaner is not only suitable for vacuuming but also has the options to sweep and mop. This makes Deemer suitable for all types of household for indoor floors! Package contents 1 Deemer Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2 Rotating brushes 1 Mop 1 Charging station with cable 1 Manual

Now from 129,00 -41%

Now from 129,00 -41%

Zoef Robot

Now from 149,00 -25%

Evert just rock clean windows. With his spinning discs and water spray your windows both inside and out crystal clean again.

Now from 149,00 -25%

Now from 149,00 -25%

Lucys Home

Now from 35,00 -30%

Looking for a robotic vacuum cleaner that takes some of the vacuuming out of your hands? vacuuming? Then the Lucy's Home Robotic Vacuum Cleaner is right for you. This vacuum cleaner has no navigation method and cleans your home according to a random route clean; therefore, the robot may skip pieces. This robot is suitable for both hard floors and low-pile carpets and has an operating time of maximum 60 minutes. This robot is capable of driving over thresholds of up to 2 cm. Plus Features of the Lucy's Home Robot Vacuum Cleaner: You can change the microfiber cloths for a really clean floor. Weighing 1.45 kg, this robot is very light. This device is 10.2 cm tall. This makes it easily vacuums under most furniture. Good to know: This robot vacuum cleaner has a random cleaning route; as a result, it is possible that the robot vacuum may skip parts of the room. When your vacuum is empty, you will have to put it on the charging station yourself. This robot vacuum cleaner does not have ground level detection, so it will not sense if there are any stairs approaching. The Lucy's Home Robotic Vacuum Cleaner comes with: Charging station Manual 2 x cleaning wipes

Now from 35,00 -30%

Now from 35,00 -30%


Now from 65,95 -34%

PERIMETER CABLE FOR ZOEF ROBOT MOWER - 150 METERS Optimize the operation of your robotic mower with this high-quality perimeter cable from Zoef Robot. This cable is essential for accurately delineating the cutting area, keeping your robotic mower always within the desired boundaries operate. PERIMETER CABLE FEATURES: Length of 150 meters: This cable provides enough length to effectively demarcate even large gardens and lawns effectively demarcate. Universally applicable: The cable is compatible with virtually all models of robotic mowers, making it a versatile choice for any gardener. High-quality materials: Made of durable and weather-resistant materials, this cable ensures long life and reliable performance regardless of the weather conditions. EASY INSTALLATION: The cable is easy to install and can be quickly adapted to the specific needs of your garden. ADVANTAGES OF USING THE ZOEF ROBOT PERIMETER CABLE: Precise delineation: Ensure that your robotic mower knows exactly where to should mow, avoiding unwanted areas. Safety: Protect plants, flowers and other garden objects by setting clear boundaries that your robotic mower will not cross. Efficiency: Improve the efficiency of your robotic mower by ensuring a well-defined cutting area, resulting in an evenly mowed lawn. Compatibility: The universal nature of this cable makes it an excellent choice for owners of different makes and models of robotic mowers. PACKAGE CONTENTS: 1 x Perimeter cable of 150 meters With Zoef Robot's perimeter cable, you can confidently set up your robotic mower set up, knowing that your lawn will be perfectly maintained within the boundaries you defined limits. Choose quality and reliability with Zoef Robot.

Now from 65,95 -34%

Now from 65,95 -34%


Now from 19,99 -33%

Enhance your cleaning experience with the 12 pieces of HOBOT microfiber cloths. These high-quality cloths are specially designed for the EZIclean Hobot v1, Hobot v2 (188) and Hobot v2 Bluetooth (198) devices. Features: Replaceable and Washable: These microfiber cloths can be hand or machine washed, making them reusable and environmentally friendly. Double-Sided Use: Both sides of the cloths can be used, ensuring longer life and efficiency. High Quality: The thickness and quality of the fibers have been carefully studied to ensure streak-free results. Optimal Cleaning: For best results, it is recommended to replace the cloths every 6 months, depending on use. Your package of EZIclean Hobot 188/198/368 consumables includes 12 microfiber cloths designed to optimize your cleaning routine and get your surfaces spotless from the first time. Why choose EZIclean Hobot Microfiber Cloths? With these microfiber cloths, you are assured of thorough and efficient cleaning. The high-quality materials and thoughtful construction ensure long-lasting, streak-free results, allowing your Hobot device to perform at its best. Make your cleaning easier and more effective with the 12 pieces of HOBOT microfiber cloths.

Now from 19,99 -33%

Now from 19,99 -33%


Now from 299,99 -25%

Your robot's microfiber pads make rotating motions across the glass surface and electrostatically charge dust particles, effectively pulling them off the wall for thorough cleaning. Advanced Navig+ Navigation Technology. Thanks to its innovative Navig+ technology, the EZIclean Windobot S3 provides outstanding coverage of the surface to be cleaned. Regardless of your robot's starting position, it will automatically move to the highest point on the glass to start the cleaning cycle. With its advanced navigation system, the robot follows a linear path for optimal and thorough cleaning. Upon completion, it returns to the starting point and signals with a beep. Versatile Cleaning Robot for the Whole House The EZIclean Windobot S3 is suitable for all flat surfaces, regardless of thickness, and can even handle edgeless surfaces thanks to integrated vacuum detectors. Ideal for cleaning windows, shower walls and tile walls in your bathroom. Latest Generation EZIVac Filter Technology. The microfiber pads capture dust particles, which are then removed from the unit by the patented EZIVac™ filter technology. Thus, the pads continue to effectively remove and absorb particles throughout the cleaning cycle without becoming saturated. Safe to Use The EZIclean Windobot S3 features multiple safety systems: Sensors that prevent use on unstable surfaces. A carabiner included for safe cleaning of exterior windows. A backup battery that keeps the robot active on the glass for up to 20 minutes in case of a power failure.

Now from 299,99 -25%

Now from 299,99 -25%


Now from 199,00 -34%

Are you looking for an intelligent and powerful robot vacuum cleaner? Do you want to spend more time doing the things you really enjoy? Then this robot vacuum cleaner Eziclean Connect x500 is definitely for you. Do you ever get annoyed by the loud noise of a vacuum cleaner, now that's a thing of the past! Not only is it very convenient to have an extra helper in your home, but this robot vacuum cleaner is also very quiet. Special attention has been paid to the design of this robot vacuum cleaner to be the quietest on the market, unlike other robot vacuum cleaners that often reach 75dB, with the low noise level of 55dB you can do other things that are fun undisturbed. App and voice control Latest technologies Very quiet: 55dB Latest lithion-ion battery (120min) Strong suction power 16 trap and obstacle sensors Thanks to the EZIclean® app, you start cleaning up from your smartphone with one click. On the app you can see exactly where your robot vacuum cleaner has been. Also how long it has been running and the percentage of battery remaining. So you can also adjust the suction power of your robot vacuum cleaner. Also, through the app you can easily pair the robot with Google Assistant and Alexa so you can control it by voice as well. This robot vacuum cleaner's HEPA13 filter traps more than 99.97% of microscopic bacteria, especially those responsible for respiratory allergies. Thus, it also purifies the air at home when cleaning your interiors. This filter is washable and reusable, so economical to use and easy to maintain. Moreover, the large 600 ml dust bin offers great cleaning without having to empty the bin often. Emptying the dust bin is designed to make it as easy as possible and hygienic to dispose of. Equipped with 16 bots and fall sensors, this robot vacuum cleaner is completely self-contained. The robot vacuum recognizes stairs and obstacles, so it will not get stuck while cleaning. The robot vacuum is also equipped with a new generation of motors with MAGNETIK ™ PERFORMANCE technology that provides your vacuum with strong suction that is on average 2.5 times more powerful than other robot vacuums on the market. With an exceptional lifespan due to the latest generation X5boost 2000mAh lithium-ion battery. So what are you waiting for, make cleaning your home easier today!

Now from 199,00 -34%

Now from 199,00 -34%


Now from 6,59 -49%

Optimize the cleaning performance of your iRobot Braava with the iRobot Braava Microfiber Cloths Set Mix. This set of 3 high-quality microfiber cloths is specially designed to clean your floors thoroughly and effectively, so you can can enjoy a fresh and clean environment. Features: Advanced Microfiber Technology:The microfiber cloths in this set are manufactured with advanced microfiber technology. This ensures a deep and thorough cleaning of your floors, effectively removing dust, dirt and even small particles are removed. Set of Three Cloths: This set contains a mix of 3 microfiber cloths, including different types suitable for various cleaning tasks. This allows you to tailor each cloth to the specific cleaning need of your floor. Easy attachment: The microfiber cloths are easy to attach to your iRobot Braava. Thanks to the practical design change the cloths quickly for a seamless transition between different cleaning sessions. Reusable and Durable: These microfiber cloths are designed for repeated use. After a cleaning session, you can easily clean and prepare them again for the next round, making them a durable and cost-effective solution. Versatile Cleaning: Whether you are doing a dry or wet cleaning, these microfiber cloths are versatile enough to meet all your cleaning needs. They are suitable for different types of floor surfaces.

Now from 6,59 -49%

Now from 6,59 -49%


Now from 239,00 -32%

Tired of endless vacuuming? Finally you don't have to do anything.... Remember that time you came home from a long day at work, realizing that your house is a mess thanks to your pet friend and daily dirt? That frustration of constantly having to keep your house clean when you just want to relax after a long day at work. We understand that feeling. Say hello to Deemer. Made to make your living environment cleaner, more comfortable and dust-free. Why do customers choose the Deemer Robotic Vacuum Cleaner? ✓ Mopping function ✓ Made for pet owners ✓ Smart sensors ✓ Strong battery for long thorough cleaning ✓ Quiet in operation ✓ Smart cleaning navigation ✓ Automatic return to charging station ✓ Easy setup via app ✓ Pre-programmed cleaning routes Busy life? With our robot vacuum cleaner, you can finally enjoy that well-deserved "me-time" after a long day at work. Turn it on via the app and leave the rest to us. Pet hair everywhere? Thanks to the powerful suction function, say goodbye to stray dog hair. Your fluffy friends can keep playing without you having to worry about the mess. In need of peace and quiet? Whisper-quiet technology ensures silent cleaning. Even the lightest sleepers won't be disturbed. Afraid of falls or collisions? With our advanced sensors and ground detection, your robot is safe and your valuables are protected. Spick and span Switch to mop mode and watch your floors light up as if they've just been laid. Deemer 3-in-1 This robot vacuum cleaner is not only suitable for vacuuming but also has the options to sweep and mop. This makes Deemer suitable for all types of household for indoor floors! Package contents 1 Deemer Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2 Rotating brushes 1 Mop 1 Charging station with cable 1 Manual

Now from 239,00 -32%

Now from 239,00 -32%

Zoef Robot

Now from 279,95 -30%

BOBBIE 2.0 MET BORSTEL EN WATERSPRAY ZORGT VOOR MOOIE SCHONE RAMEN. Onze robot ramenwasser Bobbie 2.0 met borstel zorgt eenvoudig voor schone ramen en neemt u de tijdrovende klus uit handen. Met zijn borstel zorgt hij voor een extra schoon raam doordat hij het viezigheid makkelijk van het raam af krijgt en beschadigt de ramen hier niet mee. De ramenrobot Bobbie met borstel beschikt over een spraakterugkoppeling. Dankzij de intelligente navigatie van de robot wordt er geen stuk overgeslagen en wordt viezigheid op het raam herkent. Ook keert hij terug naar het startpunt als hij klaar is met zijn schoonmaak. Door de aansluitkabel van 5 meter kan de robot overal goed bij en is de Bobbie 2.0 ideaal voor moeilijk bereikbare of hogere ramen. WAT KAN ROBOT RAAMWASSER BOBBIE 2.0 MET BORSTEL SCHOONMAKEN? De robot raamwasser Bobbie 2.0 is niet alleen geschikt voor ramen, maar ook voor andere vlakke oppervlaktes zoals tegelwanden en deuren. Hierdoor is Bobbie 2.0 een echte aanwinst voor in uw huis. * Bobbie 2.0 maakt ramen aan de binnenkant en buitenkant weer volledig schoon. Hij is vooral erg handig bij grote of hoge ramen. * U kunt de ramen ook aan de buitenzijde schoonmaken met een robot raamwasser. Handig voor als u in een hoge flat woont of bij het schoonmaken van de ramen op zolder. * Bobbie 2.0 kan gebruik worden voor het schoonmaken van badkamertegels. Hierbij is wel belangrijk dat de voegen en naden van de tegels niet te groot of te diep zijn, anders kan Bobbie 2.0 met borstel zich niet goed vacuüm zuigen. * Bobbie 2.0 met borstel is ook te gebruiken om de ramen van uw serre of overkapping van onderen schoon te maken. Bobbie 2.0 met borstel kan zichzelf ondersteboven vacuüm zuigen en aan het werk gaan. Hierbij is het wel belangrijk om de veiligheid in het oog te houden. * De robot raamwasser kan ook gebruikt worden voor deuren, spiegels en zonnepanelen. Het is alleen mogelijk om zonnepanelen schoon te maken met de robot raamwasser als u de schoonmaakrobot zelf op de panelen kunt plaatsen en de zonnepanelen dicht tegen elkaar geplaatst zijn. De robot kan namelijk niet springen. * Ramen groter dan 50x50cm. De robot moet kunnen draaien en bewegen om schoon te maken. Voor kleinere ramen is de robot niet geschikt. ROBOT RAAMWASSER BOBBIE 2.0 MET BORSTEL GEBRUIKEN Bobbie 2.0 met borstel heeft een strak design en is door iedereen gemakkelijk en snel te bedienen. Voordat u Bobbie 2.0 aanzet, maakt u de doek vochtig (niet te nat) met een mild ruiten reinigingsmiddel en water. Vervolgens sluit u de kabel aan, zet u de robot op het raam en houd u de knop 3 seconden ingedrukt op de robot. Dan zal de zuigmotor aan gaan. Om het schoonmaakproces te start kunt u Bobbie 2.0 aanzetten door de knop nogmaals kort in te drukken. Het is ook mogelijk om Bobbie 2.0 te activeren door middel van de afstandsbediening of de bijbehorende app. Zorg dat u Bobbie 2.0 niet gebruikt op een heel vies raam. De robot is bedoeld om de ramen goed schoon te houden en bij een te vies raam zal het doek al erg snel vies worden. Zorg dus bij een vies raam dat u voor u de robot gebruikt, het raam goed schoonmaakt. Gebruik de robot regelmatig om de ramen goed schoon te houden en laat de robot het werk doen. Zorg dat bij het gebruik van de robot de schoonmaakdoek en de borstels schoon zijn. Mochten deze vies worden, vervang deze dan of maak hem schoon om te voorkomen dat het viezigheid in de doek zich verspreidt. Gebruik voor de watersprays kalkvrij water. Tip: Gebruik een beetje schoonmaakazijn (1/3) voor een streeploos resultaat! EXTRA FUNCTIES BOBBIE 2.0 MET BORSTEL * Twee borstels die uw ramen extra goed schoonmaken zonder ze te beschadigen. * Maakt gemakkelijk viezigheid schoon op het raam, zoals: stof, waasvlekken en meer. * 5 schoonmaakmodi: Z/N mode, Z mode, N mode, randen schoonmaak, vaste spot schoonmaak. * Door zijn AI intelligentie herkent de robot viezige plekken waar hij nog eens schoon zal maken. * Herkent het einde van een raam/glasplaat. * Dubbele waterspray voor een betere schoonmaak. * De robot neemt ook randen en hoeken van het raam mee en slaat geen plek over op het raam door zijn slimme navigatie. ONDERDELEN VAN BOBBIE 2.0 MET BORSTEL Deze ramenrobot beschikt over twee schoonmaakdoeken en 2 borstels. Als u meerdere ramen schoon wilt laten maken, zorg dan dat u controleert of het doek of borstels vies zijn voor u het andere raam gaat schoonmaken en maak de doeken en borstels regelmatig schoon, zodat het viezigheid zich niet kan verspreiden. Door het toevoegen van water aan de waterreservoirs met de bijgeleverde flesje zal de robot de ramen zelf vochtig kunnen maken tijdens gebruik. Het flesje kan gevuld worden met water en een klein beetje mild schoonmaakmiddel of schoonmaakazijn. Gebruik hiervoor geen Glassex of soortgelijke middelen, deze zorgen voor een filmlaagje op de ramen waardoor Bobbie niet goed werkt en strepen achterlaat. Naast de robot, de doeken en borstels wordt Bobbie 2.0 geleverd met een totale kabellengte van 5 meter. Tevens wordt er een veiligheidskoord, een afstandsbediening en een handleiding meegeleverd. Uiteraard zijn er extra schoonmaak doeken bij te bestellen in onze webshop. INHOUD VAN BOBBIE 2.0 MET BORSTELS: * Robot Ramenreiniger Bobbie 2.0. met waterspray functie en borstel. * Afstandsbediening. * Aansluitkabel, 5 meter. * Veiligheidskabel. * 2x gele schoonmaakdoeken. * Handleiding NL FR DE EN

Now from 279,95 -30%

Now from 279,95 -30%


Now from 309,95 -23%

Zoef Robot Arie - De Slimme Robotstofzuiger voor Een Schone Toekomst Maak kennis met de Zoef Robot Arie, uw ultieme oplossing voor moeiteloos schoonmaken en een fris, stofvrij huis! Arie onderscheidt zich van andere robotstofzuigers door zijn geavanceerde technologie, waarmee hij een nieuwe standaard zet in het robot stofzuigen. Met slimme navigatietechnologie en geavanceerde sensoren manoeuvreert Arie soepel door uw kamers en langs uw meubels. Dankzij intelligente algoritmes slaat Arie geen enkele plek over en reinigt hij elk hoekje van uw huis grondig. Eenvoudige Bediening met de Zoef Robot App Stel moeiteloos schoonmaakschema's in die perfect aansluiten op uw dagelijkse routine. Of het nu gaat om dagelijkse of wekelijkse schoonmaakbeurten, Arie staat altijd voor u klaar om uw huis schoon te houden. Met onze intuïtieve Zoef Robot App kunt u Arie op afstand bedienen. Start, pauzeer of stop het schoonmaken, bekijk plattegronden van uw ruimtes, stel virtuele muren of no-go zones in, pas de schoonmaakmodus aan en ontvang real-time meldingen over de voortgang—waar u zich ook bevindt. Automatisch Opladen en Hervatten Arie's handige oplaadfunctie zorgt ervoor dat hij automatisch terugkeert naar het oplaadstation zodra zijn batterij bijna leeg is. Met zijn krachtige 5200mAh-batterij kan hij tot 214 minuten (in ECO-modus) non-stop schoonmaken. Na het opladen hervat hij precies waar hij was gebleven. Zo is hij altijd gereed voor een nieuwe schoonmaakronde zonder dat u er omkijken naar heeft. Dweilen en Stofzuigen in Eén Beurt Een super schone vloer, daar gaat het om! De Zoef Robot Arie combineert een sterke, regelbare zuigkracht met een efficiënte dweilfunctie. Met de speciale Y-dweilmodus dweilt Arie uw vloer grondig, terwijl het geïntegreerde UV-C licht alle bacteriën en virussen doodt. Dankzij de nauwkeurige navigatie en dubbele functie wordt uw vloer keer op keer heerlijk schoon. Geavanceerde Navigatie en Veiligheidssensoren Uitgerust met Lidar Mapping en routeplanning, creëert Arie een gedetailleerde kaart van uw huis. Hierdoor kan hij de meest efficiënte schoonmaakroute plannen en geen enkel stofdeeltje onopgemerkt laten. Met diverse sensoren, waaronder infrarood-, anti-bots- en anti-val sensoren, detecteert Arie moeiteloos obstakels zoals meubels, trappen en tapijten. Zo werkt hij veilig en betrouwbaar zonder schade te veroorzaken. Krachtige Zuigkracht en Automatische Aanpassing Met een indrukwekkende zuigkracht van 3000Pa verwijdert Arie moeiteloos vuil, stof en (dieren)haren van harde vloeren en tapijten. Hij past zijn zuigkracht automatisch aan op basis van het vloertype voor een grondige reiniging zonder onnodig energieverbruik. Bovendien overwint Arie drempels tot 20 mm hoogte, zodat hij gemakkelijk van de ene naar de andere ruimte kan bewegen. Waarom Kiezen voor Zoef Robot Arie? Slimme Bediening via App: Bedien Arie eenvoudig op afstand met de Zoef Robot App en stel virtuele muren en no-go zones in. Automatisch Opladen en Hervatten: Nooit meer zorgen over een lege batterij; Arie laadt zichzelf op en gaat verder waar hij was gebleven. Dweil- en Stofzuigfunctie: Bespaar tijd door te stofzuigen en te dweilen in één schoonmaakbeurt. UV-C Licht Technologie: Doodt onzichtbare bacteriën en virussen voor een hygiënisch schone vloer. Lange Batterijduur: Tot 214 minuten schoonmaken op één lading. Stille Werking: Met een geluidsniveau van slechts 65 dB is Arie aangenaam stil. Geschikt voor Huisdieren: Verwijdert effectief dierenharen en allergenen. Programmeerbaar: Stel schoonmaakschema's in die passen bij uw levensstijl. Specificaties Automatisch opladen: Ja Automatisch hervatten: Ja Geluidsniveau: 65 dB Functionaliteit: Tegen dierenharen Dweilfunctie Programmeerbaar Bedrijfsduur: 180 minuten (maximaal 214 minuten in ECO-modus) Oplaadtijd: 4-6 uur Geschikt voor vloertypes: Harde vloeren, laminaat, PVC, vloerbedekking, laagpolig tapijt Vloeroppervlakte: Tot 120 m² Opvangcapaciteit: 400 mL stofbak, 250 mL waterreservoir Instelbaar tijdsschema: Ja Smartphone App: Ja (Zoef Robot App) Type gebiedsafbakening: Virtuele muren en no-go zones instelbaar Sensoren: Anti-val, anti-bots, anti-vastloop Filter: HEPA-filter Maximale drempelhoogte: 20 mm Afmetingen: 35 x 35 x 9,7 cm Gewicht: 3 kg Kleur: Zwart, grijs Accessoires en onderdelen beschikbaar: Ja Inhoud van de Doos Robotstofzuiger Arie Oplaadstation Zijborstels (2 sets) Dweilmoppen (2x) Schoonmaakgereedschap HEPA-filter (2x) Gebruikershandleiding (NL, EN, DE, FR) App-handleiding Snelle handleiding Ervaar de Toekomst van Schoonmaken Of het nu gaat om dagelijkse schoonmaakklussen of een grondige reiniging van uw hele huis, de Zoef Robot Arie maakt stofzuigen moeiteloos en tijdbesparend. Laat Arie het werk voor u doen, terwijl u geniet van een schone, gezonde en comfortabele leefomgeving. Met Arie investeert u in een slimme, efficiënte en betrouwbare robotstofzuiger die uw schoonmaakroutine revolutioneert. Bestel nu en ervaar zelf waarom Zoef Robot Arie dé keuze is voor een stralend schoon huis!

Now from 309,95 -23%

Now from 309,95 -23%


Now from 12,50 -53%

2in1 brush for cleaning carpets and floors, Depending on the bristles selected the brush will be effective on either surface

Now from 12,50 -53%

Now from 12,50 -53%


Now from 13,99 -55%

Have you run out of mop cloths? Then you can order a new mop cloth here

Now from 13,99 -55%

Now from 13,99 -55%


Now from 199,00 -54%

Looking for a robotic vacuum cleaner that takes much of the vacuuming and mopping work off your hands? hands? Then the Ecovacs Deebot O930 is right for you. This vacuum cleaner cleans your home in a systematic way. Through an app you control you control the vacuum cleaner and determine which cleaning route the robot takes. Demarcate the cleaning area with a virtual wall; a special box that creates an invisible barrier that the robot does not pass. This robot is suitable for both hard floors and low-pile carpets and has an operating time of up to 110 minutes. Battery empty? The vacuum itself returns to the included charging station and charges itself there automatically and when the battery is sufficiently charged, the Ecovacs Deebot O930 automatically continues to cleaning where it left off. PLUS POINTS OF THE ECOVACS DEEBOT O930: The robot vacuum cleaner takes a systematic approach. This means that the device does not skip pieces of the room. This robot features a virtual wall. This way you can be sure that the robot will not area you choose will not pass by. In addition to hard floors, this robot vacuum can also go over low-pile carpets and/or rugs. The usage time of this robot is more than 90 minutes. This is more than enough for an average floor. The robot vacuum automatically returns to the base station when the battery is low. This robot vacuum automatically resumes the vacuuming program when the battery is recharged back to the base station. GOOD TO KNOW: Does not recognize cords automatically and may get stuck on this. It may necessary to neatly hide cables. THE ECOVACS DEEBOT O930 COMES STANDARD WITH: Charging station Manual Water tank 2 x microfiber cloths 2 x middle brushes 2 x side brushes 2 x dust filters Nozzle without brush

Now from 199,00 -54%

Now from 199,00 -54%


Now from 269,99 -40%

✓ THE EZICLEAN AQUA CONNECT X650: EFFORTLESS CLEANING FOR A FRESH HOME. Done with the daily battle against dust and pet hair? The Eziclean Aqua Connect x650 robotic vacuum cleaner with mopping function offers the solution. With this assistant, your home will be sparkling clean without effort. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ BENEFITS OF THE EZICLEAN AQUA CONNECT X650 * 2-in-1 Cleaning: vacuums and mops at the same time. * Large range: Cleans up to 240m². * Smart Navigation: Detailed mapping of your home. * Automatic Charging Function: Always ready to use. * Silent: Only 55 dB noise level. * Voice Control: Control via Google Home and Alexa. * Eziclean App: Full control via your smartphone. * Extended operating time: Up to 240 minutes of cleaning on a charge. * Navigation around obstacles: Safe and efficient. * Powerful Suction Technology: Features MagnetiK™ technology. * Ease of use: Easy setup and programming. * Low maintenance: Low maintenance required. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ CLEANING FUNCTIONS The combined power of vacuuming and mopping ensures spotless cleaning. The electronic water tank ensures a controlled water flow so the mop always stays wet and does not streak, while the powerful vacuum motor picks up all unwanted particles. NAVIGATION AND MAPPING TECHNOLOGY Cameraslam™ technology provides an accurate map of your home and avoids obstacles and stairs with ease for effective cleaning. INTELLIGENT OBSTACLE DETECTION Advanced sensors effortlessly navigate around furniture and adapt to different floor types so that every part of your home gets clean. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ USEFUL The x650 offers effortless control via voice commands with Google Home or Alexa. The Eziclean app lets you set up cleaning schedules and track progress remotely, making managing household chores never so simple. POWERFUL PERFORMANCE The robot is equipped with a MagnetiK™ motor for thorough cleaning, capable of covering an area of 120m² on a single battery charge. QUIET AND ENERGY EFFICIENT With a noise level of 55 dB, the x650 is one of the quietest of its kind. Thanks to Breakpoint technology, the x650 will pick up where it left off after charging. Thus, it can vacuum up to 240m². ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ HIGH FILTRATION QUALITY The combination of a steel pre-filter and HEPA 13 filter captures up to 99.97% of allergens, making the x650 ideal for people with asthma and allergies or who generally want a cleaner indoor environment. DAILY CLEANING ASSISTANCE The x650 is designed to make your life easier, with features such as automatic charging function and the ability to clean under furniture. A true ally in your everyday life! Invest in convenience and an impeccably clean home with the Eziclean Aqua Connect x650. Discover today how easy and efficient cleaning can be! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ SPECIFICATIONS * Model: Aqua Connect x650 * Dimensions: 33 x 7.6 cm (diameter x height) * Weight: 2.8 kg * Noise level: 55 dB * Suitable for rooms: Up to 240m² * Cleaning modes: Vacuuming and mopping * Working time: up to 240 minutes * Extras: Voice Control, Eziclean App, Automatic Charging Function, Intelligent Navigation PACKAGE INCLUDES: * 1x Eziclean Aqua Connect x650 Robot Vacuum Cleaner. * 1x Charging station * 1x Main brush * 2x Side brushes * 1x Water tank * 1x Dustbin * 1x Mop cloth * 1x Remote Control * 1x Cleaning Brush * 1x Power Cable * 1x Hepa 13 Filter * 1x Manual 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE We fully stand behind the quality of our products and offer you an unconditional 24-month warranty. Not satisfied with your purchase? We will gladly look for an appropriate solution together. Is the robot vacuum cleaner, for whatever reason, still not suitable for you? Then return it completely free of charge.

Now from 269,99 -40%

Now from 269,99 -40%

Some robots also have a mopping function. Others are also capable of taking thresholds of about 2cm. Ultimately, it's about you choosing the vacuum cleaner that suits you best. If you choose an appliance from the Return Purchase range, you are making a sustainable decision. You are giving a previously returned appliance a second chance. Of course, we carefully check whether an appliance is still fully functional. If you have any questions about one of our robot vacuum cleaners, are in doubt or would like advice, our team is always at your service.

Robot vacuum cleaner

Robotic vacuum cleaners are also designed to be user-friendly. With simple controls and programming, you can set the vacuum to work at certain times and days without worrying about getting the job done. Moreover, you can easily move and store the robotic vacuum cleaner so that you always have it within reach. If you have little time to devote to your household, a robot vacuum cleaner is a great alternative. At Return Purchase, we know all about that. Regularly, our robot vacuums while we are just working for our customers. Many robots work with an app or a remote control so you can also remotely control when your robot vacuum needs to get to work. In our assortment we have robots from the brands: Eziclean, Zoef, Deemer, iRobot, among others.

Robot vacuum cleaners with mopping function

If vacuuming alone is not enough for you, there are also several robot vacuums that can vacuum and mop at the same time. That way, your floor will shine all over again after the robot has done its job. Ideal if you have smooth floors. With the lies wet mop, the robot takes extra fine dust from the floor. We sell robot vacuums with mopping function from Eziclean, Zoef robot, Deemer and more.

Robot vacuum cleaners with extraction station

For added convenience, some robot vacuums offer an extraction station. This feature ensures that the robot vacuum automatically empties its dust container into a separate container, so you won't have to worry about emptying it for weeks. This is ideal for busy households and ensures that the robot is always ready for the next round of cleaning.

Window robot

Window washing robots are the future of window cleaning. These innovative robots are designed to clean your windows efficiently and quickly without any effort on your part. With advanced technologies and smart sensors, window washing robots can clean even hard-to-reach windows and provide a thorough and streak-free cleaning. The benefits of using a window washing robot are numerous. You no longer have to worry about protruding from window sills or balancing on ladder, which is not only dangerous but also time-consuming. Instead, you can simply set up the window washing robot and it will do the rest. Moreover, using a window washing robot saves time and energy, as you can clean your windows at any time without having to do anything yourself. Window washing robots are also sustainable and environmentally friendly, as they do not require chemical cleaners. Instead, they use only water and electricity, which is better for the environment and your health. Moreover, these robots can be deployed at any time, meaning you no longer have to wait for a clear day to clean your windows.

Mite remover

Mite removers and anti-bacterial robots are revolutionary tools for cleaning your home or office. With advanced technologies and smart sensors, these robots can not only remove mites and bacteria efficiently, but also provide a hygienic and healthy living environment. The benefits of using a mite remover or anti-bacterial robot are numerous. By removing mites and bacteria, you can protect your home or office from health problems such as allergies, asthma and dust mites. Moreover, using these robots is a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution, as they do not require chemical cleaners."

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